
We stand as a beacon of expertise and innovation in analytics and AI solutions. Our compact yet dynamic team comprises technically advanced individuals from diverse backgrounds, unified by a shared passion for unlocking the transformative potential of data.

With a solid track record, we excel in delivering data-driven insights and solutions to our clients. Proficient in statistical concepts, AI applications and adept at conveying intricate findings with clarity, we empower businesses to make informed decisions and capitalize on their data assets.

At Vaticinia, we transcend the role of a conventional consultancy agency. We are your dependable and seasoned partner, dedicated to delivering exceptional value and fostering success for your business. Let us navigate the realm of data alongside you, harnessing its power to illuminate a prosperous future for your endeavors.

Get in Touch

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Ludwig Bamberger Strasse 10

55131 Mainz, Germany

Give us a ring

 +49 176 8658 5350

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